On Call Central is happy to provide customers with access to English language voice recording services. In order to make this available at no additional charge, we have adopted the following guidelines and recommendations, specifically pertaining to repeated voice menu requests, menus requested around holidays, and menus mentioning specific dates.
- Please think about what you want to have happen with your voice menu, and confirm with your colleagues prior to submitting your requests. If you repeatedly submit voice menu requests that have only minor differences, it constitutes an abuse of the service that prevents other users from accessing the same benefit. Practices with repeated back-to-back requests will have their requests de-prioritized until such time as other customer recordings have been processed. If we receive more than three substantially similar voice menu requests in any rolling 30-day period, we reserve the right to assess a $50 studio fee for each session.
Be Considerate of Personnel and Other Practices
- If you have multiple voice menus, and are requesting modifications to all of them, please know that is a lot of work. For example, if you want to add an option to your menu, but you also want that added for all other menus in your account, that voice studio work and the accompanying engineering time often adds up to several hours of work. If you then decide that you want a "minor" change to the work just requested, that minor change will cause all of the work to be redone.
- If you are requesting changes in advance of a holiday, realize that hundreds of other practices likely are making requests at the same time. Holiday menu requests must be in no later than two business days prior to the holiday, or the requested deployment of the menu, whichever comes first.
Create Reusable Assets
- In general, menus should not be holiday or date/time specific (e.g. “we are closed for the holiday” and not, “we are closed on Thursday, November 26th for Thanksgiving”). Menus such as this are one-time use menus that unnecessarily create voice studio work. Please request menus that are general in nature, and which can be deployed over and over, thereby saving unnecessary voice studio work. Date specific requests will be assessed a $50 studio fee.
We Are Not Polyglots
- Voice menus requiring non-English voice artists are contracted out to 3rd parties, can take up to seven days to process, and are billed on a time and material basis.
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