In the event that you find yourself unable to listen to the messages left by you patients, please ensure that you are following all of the below steps correctly.
- It is essential to use a registered device when calling in to your voicemail. If you use an unregistered device, you will be sent to the patient voice greeting and menu.
- Make sure that you are dialing the correct On Call Central phone number when attempting to review your messages.
- When you reach the message you wish to listen to, press 1 to hear the message and at its conclusion press 1 to call the patient back.
- If you are using an unregistered device:
- Begin by calling your On Call Central phone number.
- Press # and enter you four-digit pin to access your voice mailbox.
- Please check to make sure that your device is not on silent and that the call volume is turned up to an appropriate level.
If none of these steps function to fix your access to your messages, please submit a support ticket here:
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