Allowing patients to possess a provider’s personal phone number creates an obvious set of potential issues. In order to avoid this breach of provider privacy On Call Central uses call masking to hide the provider’s personal number during any outgoing calls. There are two ways in which a provider may call a patient back using our product that maintain privacy, and do not require the provider to manually block their caller ID/personal number.
- The first way to return a patient call is to access the On Call Central mobile app and to return the call using the app.
- The second way to call back utilizes your On Call Central account. Begin by calling in to your On Call Central account number and listening to the message that you wish to return. At the conclusion of the message press 1 on your phone’s keypad to return the call. You will immediately be connected to the individual you are wishing to reach.
Note: If you are reading a text message notification that includes the number you wish to reach, and you select that number to call out to, your phone number will not be masked and the patient will have direct access to your personal line instead of your On Call Central phone number. Our software acts as a middleman in masking outgoing calls. If a provider does not use one of the methods above when returning calls to patients we cannot ensure the preservation of his or her privacy.
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