In the event that a provider requires another provider who is a current provider on your account to cover his or her call schedule for a period of time, follow the steps below to alter the existing call schedule.
- Log in to your On Call Central account using your account specific URL.
- Go to Schedule.
- Go to Departments.
- Drag the provider who will be covering from the left of your screen to the call schedule and drop them on the time and date they will be covering.
If you would like for the covering provider to be on call immediately, or if they will be covering for a period of time that is not within the normal set shifts, you will need to create an exception. To create an exception use the steps below.
- Log in to your On Call Central account using your account specific URL.
- Go to Schedule.
- Go to Departments.
- Once you are viewing the call schedule, look to the bottom left corner of the page. There will be a button that says Add Schedule Exception.
- Click the button. Once the button has been clicked, you will be able to add a start and stop time, along with the name of the provider who will be covering.
Scheduling a provider to cover can also be done utilizing our mobile app.
- Log in to the mobile app.
- On the main screen select Change Provider for the department you would like to change the on call individual for.
Follow the link below for a visual on how to complete this process.
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